Fraud Blocker

emergency locksmith

Locks and keys are a bit of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, a really good set can keep intruders and burglars out of your property. But on the other hand, a simple mistake can also lock you out (or worse, trap you inside) of your property. If your life seems to be in danger, it is important to call 911 immediately. But if the environment is safe and you just have problems with a lock, you can call emergency locksmith services like Locks Around the Clock.

There are numerous situations where calling Locks Around the Clock is the best option, here are some of the best ones we have encountered in our years of service:

Call Emergency Locksmith Services if You Are Locked Out of Your House

We?re all human and we make mistakes, or we can be forgetful. You can be as alert as you want, but waking up early in the morning in your pajamas, still woozy and in need of the morning paper – you may forget that the keys are still inside the house. You?re not in any real danger at this point so there?s no need to call 911. But if you want to get back inside the house you can go to the neighbor?s house and call Locks Around the Clock. We will send one of our trained locksmiths immediately, and you?ll get back inside the house without any unnecessary damage to your property.

Locked Out of Your Car? Call Us and We?ll Sort it Out

Similar to locking yourself out of your own house while in your PJs, rushing to work or struggling with the groceries can lead to locking yourself out of your own car, while the keys are inside. Instead of doing something as drastic as breaking your car?s glasses, you can call emergency locksmith services and get everything sorted out in minutes.

Emergency Locksmith Services Can Handle Keys Stuck in the Ignition

This is different from locking yourself out of your car, because this is completely out of your hands. It could happen to you no matter how attentive you are. An emergency locksmith like Locks Around the Clock has special tools that can fix this problem without any damage to your vehicle.

Broken Keys Need to Be Replaced

Keys are pretty sturdy because they?re usually made of metal, but they can wear out over time and lose their shape ever so slightly, which is usually enough to make the keys inconsistent – it will open the locks sometimes and it won?t some other times. Which is definitely not right. Call us and we?ll do our job so your keys and locks at times when they should, which is ?all the time.?

Don?t Let Break-Ins Happen Again

Last but not the least is the worst case scenario. Your house has been burglarized. Obviously, you should seek help from the police. But afterwards, it is also important to call Locks Around the Clock so we can change the locks inside your home, preferably with locks that are better than the last one at keeping intruders out.