Fraud Blocker

Locks Around the Clock is your professional 24-hour locksmith that provides services to residential and commercial clients. However, we also offer great real estate locksmith services as well! We offer re-keys, lock box installation, code cut keys, authorized pick opens and much more. Today we would like to provide our realtor clientele three great official safety tips to go along with our services so you can be safe when you are serving your clients. For a full list of useful tips please visit The National Association of Realtors website.

Tip #1 ? Keep it light

We all know it is dangerous to engage in activities after dark. The same goes for showing properties to your clients. You never know who can be lurking around at night. If you plan to show properties after dark then be sure to take as many precautions as you can. Let your adviser know your schedule and where you plan to be. Also ensure you turn on the lights through the house as you provide a tour, and don?t lower the shades or close the curtains.

Tip #2 ? Open House Safety

Open houses are a terrific way to show off a property to your client, but remember that a tour is not over until it?s over. Never assume everyone has left the property at the end of a tour; check every room and the backyard before you lock up. Be prepared to defend yourself, if necessary.

Tip #3 ? Be careful with keys

Do not hand out keys to friends, even if you trust them. Make sure you know where all your keys are located always. Never use hide-a-keys or leave the key under the doormat, above the door, in a flowerpot, or anywhere outside the house. These spots are the average person?s solution for hiding keys and thieves know it, so they will always check those places. Keep your home and car keys on separate keyrings if you ever use valet parking or leave your keys with parking attendants or even a repair garage. Reduce the risk where you can.

We hope these helpful tips have helped you stay safe and secure. In the event you need any real estate locksmith services don?t hesitate to call Locks Around the Clock at ?760-205-2136.