Fraud Blocker

Locks just like other home appliances and tools have to be kept in good condition from time to time. In this article, we’re going to look at some of the tips you need to follow to ensure the locks are in good working conditions.

Locks are a very essential component for every home and they are in use for most times of the day. It is thus important to maintain them regularly so as to ensure they are in good working condition.

Just like any other home appliance locks comprise of motorized mechanisms that have to be maintained. Standard locks can last for a maximum of 6 years if all the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions are properly followed. If not so, they can become obsolete before the time.

By adhering to these tips, you will be able to use your locks for the maximum amount of time contained in the manufacturer’s manual.

Previous Post: How To Choose The Right Lock For Your Home

Door Close Up

Ensure Your Door is Properly Installed

It is important to ensure your door is installed properly so that your locks can function as intended. Poor installation of the door builds stress on the bolt of the door and this may result in more damage. You have to be keen when the professionals are installing the door so as to ensure it is hung correctly. The space that is usually left between the door and the frame has to be proportionate on both sides of the door.

There are several signs that indicate your door was not aligned properly. For instance, if your door rubs or leaves marks on the floor when you try to drag it on the ground, then there is no doubt that your door is not properly aligned and if the alignment is not rectified immediately it may lead to misalignment of locks.

Monitor the Hinges and Strike Plates

The position of the door relies on the other physical components of the door like the strike plates and hinges. If the screws present in the hinges are too small then it may cause the door to bend, this may prove important if you desire to curb forced entry. In the same way, the deadbolt plates need to be attached to the wall frame with extended screws.

For the locks to function properly the deadbolt and the dead-latch have to be aligned appropriately. You need to ensure the deadbolt is functioning freely when the door is closed and you don’t have to pull or push the door so as to use the lock.

Clean Your Locks Frequently

It is not hard to clean the locks. To get rid of dirt from the exteriors of both the handle and the lock you only require a piece of cloth and soapy water. You should not use hard chemicals when it comes to cleaning your locks as it can damage the materials used to make lock over time. Many locks have a shielding cover that secures and safeguards the lock for many years.

Lubricate the Locks

Oiling of locks should be done frequently; nevertheless, the use of petroleum-based products is not recommended when it comes to the lubrication of locks as they lead to deterioration of locks over time. Graphite lubricants are usually the best option, Teflon and other types of dry lubricants are also recommended to their ease of use and work efficiency. What you have to do is to squirt the lubricant inside the key path and then instead of the key and move it several times. All the dirt will be ejected out of the key path, thus making it possible for the lock key system to run more smoothly. Lubrication should be done at once every year. Always ensure the lockset is removed from the door prior to applying oil if you are after thorough lubrication.

Copy the Original Key

Locks are always sturdy when compared to keys and that why they tend to wear out faster. What you have to do is to duplicate the original key and keep it in a secure place. This will ensure there is a backup option when the original key becomes obsolete.

Prevention and Eliminate Rust

Besides, the tips discussed above, it is essential to ensure your lock is free from rust. There are several techniques that can be used to get rid of rusts once it has formed on the locks. Prevention is usually the perfect thing you can do to prevent rust from taking place. The following are some of the tips you can follow so as to prevent rust from forming on your locks:

Have a close look at your locks to determine if rusting has taken place or it is about to form. If you discover that there is a presence of dirt in the keyway, you should insert the key to make the dirt loose thereby ensuring the keyhole is free from debris.

You can use the silicone sprays to spray your locks because they are used mainly for maintaining locks. They form a seal on the lock that ensures there is no formation of rust.

The use of recommended chemicals for cleaning doors and locks is straightforward in preventing the formation of rust.

Treating Locks with Rust

It can be quite challenging to treat rust once it has taken place. Rust leads to chemical reactions that cause the metal to wear out on which the rust is formed. Rust can occur on metals that have been exposed to moisture for prolonged periods of time.

Most professionals recommend the use of two kinds of lubricants to get rid of rust once it has formed. Dry lubricants comprise of graphite and it allows the inner mechanisms of the lock to slide over the other, thus allowing the key to be inserted with minimal ease and opening of the lock easily. Wet lubricant is the other type of lubricant that can be used to remove rust after it has formed.

When do You Need the Services of a Locksmith?

When having problems with your lock in your home or office, it is crucial to seek the services of a locksmith. These professionals are well trained and can handle all the lock issues and are available 24 hours a day. They will advise you on what has happened to your lock and whether it will demand repair or replacement. Additionally, if you are in search of high-security locks, and professional locksmiths, look no further than Locks Around the Clock. We will always advise you and aid you in strengthening the security of your home.

Next Post: Are Expensive Locks Better?