Fraud Blocker

Business owners often find themselves locked out of their own place of business. It could happen at any time, whether it’s during the day or night. If you’re ever locked out of your office, home, or car, you’ll want to call a locksmith service.

A locksmith is someone who specializes in making keys for businesses and homes. They also install new locks and repair broken ones. A locksmith can help you get back into your home or office if you’ve lost your key.

If you’re looking for a locksmith service, here are 5 things you should know before calling.

1) What kind of services do they offer?

The first thing that most people think about when they need a locksmith is how much will this cost them? The truth is, there are many different types of locksmiths available today. Some specialize only in residential work while others focus on commercial jobs as well. There are even some who have specialties like automotive, fire safety, etc. So what does all this mean? Well, it means that no matter where you live, chances are good that you can find an affordable locksmith near you!

2) How long has the company been around?

Another important question to ask yourself is: “How old is this company?” This may seem silly but it really matters because not every company is going to be able to provide quality customer service. In fact, we recommend that you look for companies with more than 10 years’ experience under their belt. That way, you can rest assured knowing that you’re getting top-notch service from a reputable company.

3) Do they guarantee their workmanship?

When hiring a locksmith, make sure he/she offers a warranty on his/her work. Most professional locksmiths will give you a written estimate along with a list of materials needed so you can see exactly what you’re paying for. Then, once the job is completed, you can check the lock to ensure everything was done correctly.

4) Can I trust my personal information?

When choosing a locksmith, don’t just take his word for it. Ask him questions about security measures used by his company. Also, ask him if he uses encryption software such as PGP. Encryption programs encrypt data using public and private keys. These keys are then exchanged between two parties via email or phone calls.

5) Does the company use background checks?

This one might sound obvious but it’s still worth mentioning. When searching for a locksmith, always try to find one that conducts thorough criminal records searches. Many states require these kinds of checks prior to employment. However, if you’re worried about privacy issues, you can opt to hire a locksmith without conducting a search. Just remember that doing so puts you at risk since criminals can easily steal identities through social media accounts.

There are plenty of reasons why you’d want to choose a locksmith over other options. But before you pick up the phone, make sure you understand which type of locksmith you’re dealing with. By asking the right questions, you can save money and avoid headaches down the road.

Lockouts are frustrating events that occur unexpectedly. Whether you’re locked out of your house, apartment, vehicle, or workplace, you probably feel helpless and frustrated.

Our locksmiths at Locks Around The Clock are available 24/7! If you need a reliable locksmith in Palm Desert or in any area within the Coachella Valley region, call us anytime day or night. We offer fast response times, affordable rates, and honest services. We provide locksmith services around the clock, every day of the year. Call us now today!